The Annex, C-111E Canal, and ENP (3/07/09-3/08/09)

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Posted by Carlos Sanchez on 17:44:23 03/08/09

On Saturday, I headed for The Annex early to see if I could catch a second glimpse of the Yellow-breasted Chat before they start to leave. No luck with that bird, but I did stumble across a BELL'S VIREO with evenly creamy yellow undersides. I also had a calling and then seen LEAST FLYCATCHER. Toe, Trey, Paul B, and David came down later to The Annex to see which birds were around. We saw TWO Bell's Vireos chasing each other! Other great birds included the BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER, an INDIGO BUNTING, and a BARRED OWL. The flycatcher finally called once, confirming its ID (to me, anyways, I like to hear them).

On Sunday, Dan Smyth and I teamed up to scour C-111E Canal for potential good birds. We managed to build quite a list of bird species using this narrow strip of habitat. We then birded the other side of the trail (apparently a dump) with a menagerie of bird species feeding amongst the rotting bean pods.

Highlights included: nine species of warblers scattered throughout the trail (Northern Parula, Yellow-rumped, Palm, Prairie, Magnolia, Black-and-white, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat), a strangler fig with a Yellow-throated Vireo and a large flock of Cedar Waxwings, another strangler fig with female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (both of these trees are near the beginning of the trail), a dead tree near the dump with perched Savannah and Grasshopper Sparrows, lots of male and female Painted Buntings everywhere, a calling Brown-crested Flycatcher which gave excellent views, Brown Thrasher, and White-crowned Pigeon.

We then drove off to the Royal Palm area of Everglades National Park. On Gumbo Limbo Trail, we spotted a light morph SHORT-TAILED HAWK overhead. Along Old Ingraham Highway, we located the BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER that Robin found there in December 2008. It called loudly and was extremely active, flying right over our heads a couple times! A Great Crested Flycatcher could be heard calling in the distance, perhaps in response. We also found a BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER on the Old Ingraham Highway, adding it to our day list. Back on Gumbo Limbo Trail, I briefly saw a WORM-EATING WARBLER. Dan only got to hear it vocalize in the dense understory.

Dan had to go after that, but I decided to give Anhinga Trail a walk, the highlight being a beautiful PURPLE GALLINULE. Driving toward the main road, I caught a glimpse of a hawk-sized bird soaring rather low over the trees and over the road -- with a long, swallow-like tail -- my FOS SWALLOW-TAILED KITE! So ended a great weekend of birding.


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