Re: A.D. Barnes Checklist- Thanks everyone

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Posted by Alex on July 16, 2003 at 12:08:58:

In Reply to: A.D. Barnes Checklist posted by Alex on July 15, 2003 at 15:24:13:

A.D Barnes Bird Checklist

Key Terms:
YR: Year-round M: Migrant S: Summer W: Winter

c: Common u: Uncommon o: Occasional r: Rare fo: Flyover; Usually seen flying over the park
v: Vagrant; may not not occur again

Pied-billed Grebe YR~r
Brown Pelican W~r
American White Pelican W~r,f
Anhinga YR~u
Double-crested Cormorant YR~u
Least Bittern YR~u
Black-crowned Night Heron YR~r
Green Heron YR~c
Tricolored Heron YR~o,f
Snowy Egret YR~r,f
Great Egret YR~u,f
Cattle Egret YR~c ,f
Great Blue Heron YR~u,f
White Ibis YR~c, f
Wood Stork W~r
Muscovy YR~c
Common Moorhen YR~c
American Coot W~u
Limpkin- September 2001 YR~r; probably won't occur again
Killdeer- YR~u
Laughing Gull YR~o,f
Ring-billed Gull W~u,f
Least Tern S~o

Turkey Vulture W~c,f
Black Vulture W~u,f
Osprey YR~o,f
Swallow-tailed Kite S~u
Northern Harrier W~r,f
Sharp-shinned Hawk W~u
Cooper's Hawk W~u
Red-shouldered Hawk YR~c
Red-tailed Hawk YR~o
Short-tailed Hawk W~u,f
Broad-winged Hawk W~u
Peregrine Falcon W~o
American Kestral W~c
Merlin W~o
Eastern Screech Owl YR~c
Great Horned Owl YR~o

Rock Dove YR~c
Eurasian Collard Dove YR~c
Mourning Dove YR~c
White-crowned Pigeon YR~u
White-winged Dove YR~u

Monk Parakeet YR~c,f
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet YR~c,f
White-winged Parakeet YR~o,f
Mitred Parakeet YR~o,f
Chestnut-fronted Macaw YR~o,f
Swallow-like birds  
Chuck-will's-Widow YR~u
Common Nighthawk S~u
Whip-poor-will M,W~r
Chimney Swift S~c
Purple Martin M,S~c
Barn Swalow M~u
Tree Swallow W~o

Red-bellied Woodpecker YR~c
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker W~u
Downy Woodpecker YR~u
Northern Flicker YR~r
Pileated Woodpecker YR~o
Red-breasted Nuthatch- 1 individual October1993 W~v

Ruby-throated Hummingbird YR~u
Yellow-billed Cuckoo M~u
Eastern Wood-Pewee M~o
Least Flycatcher M~r
Acadian Flycatcher M~r
Alder Flycatcher- September 1998 M~r
Eastern Phoebe M,W~o
Great Crested Flycatcher M,S-c
La Sagra's Flycatcher- casual visitor sometimes in Spring YR~v
Eastern Kingbird M~c
Gray Kingbird S~o
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher- September 2000 YR~v
Belted Kingfisher W~u,f
White-eyed Vireo M~u
Blue-headed Vireo M,W~u
Black-whiskered Vireo M~u
Warbling Vireo M~r
Philadelphia Vireo M~r
Yellow-throated Vireo M~u
Red-eyed Vireo M~u
Blue Jay YR~c
Fish Crow YR~c
Carolina Wren W~o
House Wren M,W~u
Ruby-crowned Kinglet M~o
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher M,W~c
American Robin W,M~c wintering population differs year to year
Veery M~o
Swainson's Thrush~ M~O
Wood Thrush- February 2002 M~r
Hermit Thrush M,W~u
Gray-cheeked Thrush M~r
Gray Catbird M,W~c
Northern Mockingbird YR~c
Brown Thrasher YR~u
Eurpoean Starling YR~c
Hill Myna YR~o
Common Myna YR~o Common outside park boundaries
Cedar Waxwing W,M~c
Scarlet Tanager M~o
Summer Tanager M~o
Western Tanager M,W~v
Western Spindalis- September 1999 YR~v
Chipping Sparrow M,W~o
Rose-breasted Grosbeak M~o Usually fall migration
Blue Grosbeak M~o Usually fall migration
Northern Cardinal YR~c
Painted Bunting W~c
Indigo Bunting W,M~o
Red-winged Blackbird YR~c
Bobolink M~o,f
Common Grackle YR~c
Boat-tailed Grackle YR~c
Spot-breasted Oriole YR~u
Baltimore Oriole M~o
Bullock's Oriole M~v
Orchard Oriole M~o
American Goldfinch M,N~u wintering population differs year to year
House Sparrow YR~u Common outside park boundaries

Blue-winged Warbler M~r
Golden-winged Warbler M~r
Prothonotary Warbler M~r
Orange-crowned Warbler M~o
Tennessee Warbler M~o
Nashville Warbler M~r
Northern Parula M,W~c
Cape May Warbler M~u
Chestnut-sided Warbler M~o
Magnolia Warbler M~u
Yellow-rumped Warbler M,W~c
Black-and-white Warbler M,W~c
Black-throated Blue Warbler M~c
Cerulean Warbler M~r
Blackburnian Warbler M~r
Black-throated Green Warbler M,W~u
Yellow-throated Warbler M,W~u
Prairie Warbler M,W~c S~o
Bay-breasted Warbler M~r
Blackpoll Warbler M~u
Pine Warbler M,W~c S~o
Palm Warbler M,W~c
MacGillivray's Warbler- Spring 2001 M~v
Connecticut Warbler M~r
Wilson's Warbler M~u Uncommon in fall, hard to find in Spring
Hooded Warbler M~o
Kentucky Warbler M~r
Ovenbird M,W~c
Swainson's Warbler M~O
Worm-eating Warbler M~c
Northern Waterthrush M,W~c
Louisiana Waterthrush M~o
Common Yellowthroat M,W~c S~o
American Redstart M,W~c S~r


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