Research Road (ENP) and The Annex (02/01/09)

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Posted by Carlos Sanchez on 19:15:45 02/01/09

Walter, Sue, and I teamed up today, meeting up on Research Road in Everglades National Park to await sunrise. Although we had no nocturnal birds along the road or Barred Owls vocalizing from the missile base, we did have a BARN OWL flying over the fields, plus NORTHERN HARRIER and a pair of WHITE-TAILED KITE.

At The Annex, the birding was slow at first but picked up as the sun warmed the air up a little bit. We had a perky, vocalizing GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, a probable BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER (not vocalizing), and a LEAST FLYCATCHER. We also observed three vireo species, including BELL'S, WHITE-EYED, and BLUE-HEADED. We heard buntings vocalizing constantly along the road, but we did not see a single one. We headed out at around 9:30am.

A quick stop at the 312 St/217 Ave produced 4 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers. A nice morning birding run before getting back to doing assignments.


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