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Posted by Tom Friedel on 18:29:39 01/17/09
In Reply to: Patagonia/Chile birding advice sought posted by Elsa
The zoo in Mendoza has a lot of trails and trees, and is the best place in the city to see birds. But I didn't really see many birds in Mendoza. There is a tourist town close by in the Andes called Villa Pehuenia (spelling?) on the Chilean border that is chore to get to, but you can see a lot of 'Austral' species like the Austral Blackbird, Austral Parakeet, Andean Ruddy Duck (I think) and Austral Thrush. Maybe that was the birding highlight of my trip through West Argentina. I also stopped in Tucuman and Salta, and the 'yungas' (spelling?) or cloud forest there is thick and relatively undisturbed, and the book shows a lot of interesting species living there.
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