Backyard and Matheson

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Posted by Felipe on June 24, 2003 at 21:02:30:

Today I birded in my backyard in the morning and in the afternnon I went ot Matheson for a walk.
Today in my backyard I saw again the Red-whisckered Bulbul. A couple days ago I saw three of them. Probably the both adults and the chick. Saw red-bellied woodpeckers nesting and many starlings. I went on a bike ride around the neighborhood at about 4:30. I heard again many alarm calls from blue jays, mockers, etc. I went to check it out if there were any hawks around. I found a COOPERS HAWK perched on a pine with the other birds. It was really mobbed by the birds. The location is SW 54th CT and SW 82nd St. When you see to the east many pines, you go the spot. On the field to the east of the intersection there are killdeers nesting. Also saw a Least Tern which also might be nesting there. I'll check it out tommorow for confirmation.
When I went to Matheson I first checked out the mangroves to the sides of the main road. Had no luck at all there. I did find a red-bellied woodpecker nesting there. I went walking to the first turn of the main road. There are some gravel to the west of the road. I found a WHITE-WINGED DOVE drinking water there. First for me in this area. Kept on walking past the bridge and turned the the left on the second road. I found 2 juvenile yellow-crowned night heron along with two white ibis, one killdeer, and one green heron. The two night herons were perched on a limb of a dead tree. Also in that area there were three laughing gulls at the parking lot. After that I went back at the beggining of the hammock and found two more white ibis. ALso found two adults, two immature and two juvenile common moorhen. After that I found an additional juvenile yellow-crowned night heron. After that I found an Anhinga peeking up from the lake. Also there were one least tern and a Tricolored Heron. Some exotics I found were two Orange-winged Parrots, four Hill Mynas, and two Blue and Gold macawas. At the end of the day I found 33 species of birds. Here they are:

Anhinga (1)
Tricolored Heron (1)
Green Heron (1)
Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron (3)
White Ibis (3)
Common Moorhen (6)
Killdeer (3)
Laughing Gull (4)
Least Tern (2)
White-Crowned Pigeon (6)
Mourning Dove (many)
Eurasian Collared-Dove (4)
Orange-winged Parrot (2)
Yellow-Chevroned Parakeet (8)
Monk Parakeet (6)
Blue and gold maccaw (2)
Chimney Swift (1)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (many)
Downy Woodpecker (1)
Blue Jay (many)
Purple Martin (2)
Northern Mockingbird (many)
Brown Thrasher (1)
European Starling (many)
Hill Myna (4)
Red Whickered Bulbul (2)
Northern Cardinal (many)
Red-Winged Blackbird (6)
Common Grackle (many)
Boat-tailed Grackle (couple)
House Sparrow (20 near High Pines)

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