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Posted by Stephen Paez on 14:53:41 08/23/08
Decided to go to Cutler Wetland today noon. Water levels are high. The usual coots. moorhens, egrets, herons and mottled ducks. Also Shrike, Barn and Cave Swallows, Osprey and a Red-Shouldered Hawk. Then I remembered Toe's birds at the "puddle" and voila:
Black-Necked Stilt
Green Heron
G. Yellowlegs
L. Yellowlegs
Spotted Sandpiper
Moorhen (with chicks)
Solitary Sandpiper (lifer)
Pectoral Sandpiper (lifer)
The above all at the mentioned "puddle" and with 2 lifers. Thanks Toe!
Decided to head out to Indian Hammocks but only birded for about 15 minutes. Had cardinals, jays, mockingbirds, r.b. woodpeckers, black/white warbler and prairie warbler.
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