Re: Hello? Is there anybody out there?

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Posted by Carlos Sanchez on 15:07:14 07/02/08

In Reply to: Hello? Is there anybody out there? posted by Rock Jetty

I have been pretty active birding last week. Where to begin:

Lake Kissimmee State Park: took a day trip here on Thursday of last week. Scrub/pineland habitat near the entrance had Eastern Towhee, Tufted Titmouse, Florida Scrub-jay, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Downy Woodpecker, Summer Tanager, and Swallow-tailed Kite. I also saw a Northern Bobwhite (male) crossing the road in front of my car and a family of Sandhill Crane with a half-grown chick on the side of the road. Near the picnic area and along the nature trails, I saw more Tufted Titmouse, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Carolina Wren, and Osprey. I also bumped into two herds of White-tailed Deer. Sadly, I missed out on Crested Caracara, Bald Eagle, Wild Turkey, and Red-headed Woodpecker. Later that day, I went to Green Cay/Wakodahatchee. Lots of Snowy, Great, and Cattle Egrets roosting along with Great Blue and Tricolored Herons. Saw a couple Least Bittern, several Roseate Spoonbills, Black-bellied Whistling-ducks, and Wood Stork. Common Nighthawks were already out and about. I also counted about two dozen White-winged Doves in the hammock island area of Green Cay -- are they using this island as a nightly roost? A single Black-crowned Night-heron was seen as I was heading toward the exit.

The next day, I went to Kendall Baptist Hospital and walked around both of the lakes. I got Mitred, Red-masked, White-winged, and Monk Parakeets. A White-crowned Pigeon was feeding on fruit in one of the trees alongside the parrots.

The day after that, I went to Matheson Hammock. The highlights included a Yellow-crowned Night-heron (immature) gobbling up a large crab and a pair of Hill Myna.

Next week Monday, I am heading off to Venezuela to visit family and do lots of birding. I will be staying a lot of time in the Central Cordillera, including Henri Pittier National Park. I'm very excited!


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