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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 00:00:06 04/20/08
Today we birded Barnes, Kendall Indian Hammock & Matheson (east side). At Barnes we observed Blackpoll, B/W Warbler & one Ovenbird. Kendall Indian Hammock pleasantly surprised us with 5 Black-throated Green Warblers. Quite nice! We also observed several B/W Warblers, Blackpoll, a Prairie Warbler that glowed like a neon, Cape May, many Redstarts, few Black-throated Blue and about 5 Northern Parula. The Blue Jays observed us for a while as we ate lunch in the park and then we headed off towards Matheson.
We were treated at Matheson to a good group of 35 Ruddy Turnstones (some in breeding plumage) foraging along the shoreline. Which was absolutely awesome! After sometime of observing them a car passed flushing two groups together making them call out loudly and chase each other around and then get low to the ground which made things even more interesting. We also saw Semipalmated Plovers, Spotted Sandpipers, a stunning Northern Parula and singing Prairies. Today was a good day of birding for us outdoors!
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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