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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 12:32:31 03/15/08
In Reply to: Shark Valley posted by Claude Nadeau
Everglades National Park is one of the best places around the world that allows great up close interactions with some of the most beautiful birds and other wildlife on the planet.
Anhinga Trail which is the first stop @ the main entrance down in Homestead. Here you can get very close to the birds, gators, insects, fishes, and native flora. Watch overhead for an occasional Snail Kite or now a Swallow-tailed Kite. We walked the trail the other day and found an Anhingas nest literally set up 10 inches off the side of the boardwalk.
Shark Valley has always been a great place to photograph and see wildlife up close, so it is always worth a try. I mean come on sometimes you need to ride your bike around a gator on the trail, that's the closest you can get. Lots of waders are headed to the Shark River Slough portion of the Everglades which happens to be where Shark Valley is located. Every year as the dry season approaches the wading birds congregate in the wet areas and Shark River Slough has always hosted thousands of birds during these dry periods.
Good luck birding the beautiful "River of Grass"
Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel
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