Re: Baggs

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Posted by Bryant Roberts on April 13, 2003 at 16:11:11:

In Reply to: Baggs posted by Robin Diaz on April 13, 2003 at 12:05:48:

I was the "other birder" at Baggs today, you found a few that I missed. About all I can add to the list are Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Sharp-shinned Hawk.

: It's still quiet at Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP, but I was able to dig out 9 warbler species. A Yellow-breasted Chat was "singing" just inside the lighthouse compound. Ya gotta love these guys -- they perform without the slightest hint of embarrassment! Other good warblers: Black-throated Blue (2), American Restart (8), Worm-eating (3), Northern Waterthrush and Blue-winged Warbler. The birds were scattered all over the park, including 23 Prairie Warblers.

: The park was Merlinville today, with 6 perched birds in the south end, one of them vocalizing. There were 2 more perched Merlins in Area A, plus 1-2 patrolling the interior.

: Other good birds: Chuck-will's-widow, Common Nighthawk and Gray Kingbird. Another birder reported hearing a Bobolink. This is an early date for Baggs; usually ~April 25 is when they start showing up, and by May 5, they are numerous.

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