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Posted by joel rosenthal on 12:14:22 02/17/08
In Reply to: TAS Marco Island Trip Summary posted by Brian Rapoza
Thanks, everyone for a fun day on the Marco trip yesterday, and especially to Brian for organizing it and enduring my bad jokes... For my part, it was particularly frustrating photography-wise, as I managed to not get good shots of the few semi cooperative birds I tried to photograph--for example the snipe flew almost between Brian and me as we got out of our cars at Kirby Storter, and my camera was still on my front seat-the eagle at Fakahatchee flew in and out of the nest just before I got my camera to eye level for a full shot of the takeoff, --and so on..
I've posted a few of the shots I saved from the trip via the link here(click on the "Marco" set), however, in the interest of livening up the board a bit, I have posted this picture of some of the group on the beach at Marco, and invite all interested readers to submit an appropriate caption-whether it be a description of what's going on, or your version of what Brian(third from the left, if you don't know him) is saying..(Everyone eligible--you need not have been on the trip to participate.) To keep the board tidy, please email me your entries--contest closes Weds 9 pm Eastern time--the winning submission and runners up will be printed here, and an appropriate prize or certificate will be awarded.. (My own caption is "Shock and awe-assembled birdwatchers react in horror as trip leader Brian Rapoza points out the only bird the group will see after hiking 6 miles in the sun.")
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