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Posted by tricia on 17:14:51 02/16/08
In Reply to: Bananaquit continues posted by Paddy Cunningham
We too saw the bananquit this morning.
Arriving at about 815, we were greeted by familar faces from other birding adventures who kindly pointed out where the bird..had just been seen..but was now gone.
Quite a few more folks showed up and eventually the bird was spotted in the bottlebrush tree. It started raining lightly and some called it a day.
We decided to brave the rain and waited along with other die hard birders for a better view.
The sun came back out and so did the Bananaquit.
I'm happy we stayed put.
On a circuitous route back home we then drove by the Ani-less 800 neighborhood. It doesn't look as bad as I thought.Yes the one lot is cleared but there still remains an overgrown berm on the other lot and the land across the canal by the railroad tracks is the same too. I'm not giving up on those birds yet.
Our last two stops took us to BassPro shops where we found a flock of Quakers and BlackHooded Parakeets in a tree just above the sidewalk entrance.
Last stop was a "lake " between the warehouses south of BPS on Tigertail Blvd that has some domestic geese and an AFLAC duck. And a kingfisher and a few waders. It's always worth a peek.
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