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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 16:46:37 02/02/08

OK, I'll be the one to make the call publicly...

ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER at Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne.

Robin Diaz first reported an uncooperative Myiarchus in the park on Jan 11th that appeared not to be Great Crested Flycatcher. She was unable to make positive ID due to poor lighting distance for the bird and not being able to see under the tail of the bird for the dark tips, but was convinced it wasn't a La Sagra's, Brown Crested, or Great Crested. To add to the confusion there seems to be two Myiarchus in the park that are not Great Crested Flycatchers.

Robin reported seeing the Myiarchus this week again 150 Yards south of the cross roads near the bathroom on the Pond Trail. Toe and I decided to take a look Friday Morning. We were heading down Pond Trail when I realized that my CF card for my camera was in the van. I went back to retrieve it and on my way to catch up to Toe I found the bird and possibly another 150 yards North of the cross road. I quickly looked with my binoculars and it was easy to see that it wasn't a Great Crested, nor did it look like a Brown Crested. The bird was only showing it's back and a little from the side but it appeared smaller than any Great or Brown Crested I had seen before. The bill was fairly small for Myiarchus I am use to seeing, eliminating both Great and Brown Crested and La Sagras. Larry and Phillip Manfredi joined Toe and I looking for the bird and we searched for a good while but never saw the bird again.

This morning Toe, Bill B, Paul Life is Good B. and myself looked all over the park for the bird. We found 6 or 7 Great Crested all of which we looked at closely but never saw the bird we were looking for or the bird in my Photos. Toe did hear what seemed to be the call of an Ash-throated a little south of the Cross Road near the bathroom. Toe and I had to leave shortly after that.

Today Bonnie (the Goose Finder) reported seeing not just one but two Ash-throated Flycatchers yesterday evening and she came back to the park this afternoon to get photos and reported hearing TWO calling back and forth to one another.

I posted my photos on ID Frontiers and so far the ID is coming back as Ash-throated and One suggested La Sagras, but they said they had no personal experience with the La Sagras. La Sagras has already been ruled out.

So I'm satisfied for the moment that the bird in my photographs is an Ash-throated Flycatcher.

Comments and Criticism with supporting information is much welcome....

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