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Posted by Vince Lucas on 09:32:43 12/23/07
Kermit "Spike" Updegrove and I went out to Hendry County to try to relocate the Cassin's Kingbird that Gary Legates found on the first Clewiston/STA-5 CBC on December 15th. The bird was still present along the Deer Fence Canal along the dirt road off of CR835 on the first big curve on CR835 as one heads east approximately 2.8 miles from the intersection of CR833 (aka Government Rd.) & CR835. Look for the "No Trespassing" sign for Chuck Obern's Organic Farm on this dirt road. We parked by this sign without going onto his property and had excellent looks at the CAKI and WEKIs. The CAKI stays by itself in the Bald Cypress trees along this canal without associating with the eight other or so Western Kingbirds in the area. Field marks to look for are the small white tip on the dark brown tail, the contrasting greenish back and the darker gray coloration on the head and breast. Good luck if you try for this bird.
Also seen, across from the Ocean Boy Organic Shrimp Farm on CR835 were two Snail Kites, both eating Apple Snails on fence posts along the canal that parallels CR835 and 2-3 Limpkins. A Barn Owl was on Blumberg Rd. A quick stop on CR858 on the Hendry/Collier County line produced three Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and five Western Kingbirds. Sadly, the female Vermilion Flycatcher has not returned to this area this year. A final stop at the town of Ave Maria produced four brightly colored Roseate Spoonbills along with both Yellowlegs and a few waders.
Happy Holidays.
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