Cutler Ridge CBC: Snow Goos still at Cutler Wetlands

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Posted by Toe on 14:39:37 12/22/07

The Snow Goose was at it's post this morning just after 6:30 at Cutler Wetlands. Looking west from the no dumping sign on the 97 Ave side, the bird was standing in the water out in the middle of the wetlands. It was not there when we went back later in the day.

Matt Muller, Angel & Mariel, and me did the Cutler Wetlands, Sadowski Park, and Deering Estate portion of the Kendall CBC today. Ernie Lent of Deering covered the morning take-off of waders before we joined him inside the grounds. I haven't tallied the total species or individuals, but below are the highlights of a very enjoyable day of birding in they "backyard" so to speak:

Spot-breasted Orioles

Great-horned Owl
3 vireos (White-eyed, Blue-headed, Yellow-throated)
Louisiana Waterthrush
Broad-winged, Red-tailed, and Short-tailed Hawk
Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Cutler Wetlands:
Snow Goose
Wood Duck
Both Dowitchers (by call)
American Avocet
Stilt Sandpiper
Peregrine Falcon
American White Pelican (75!)

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