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Posted by Jeanette on 10:40:18 12/11/07
In Reply to: Re: Painted Buntings and Spot-breasted Orioles posted by Nancy Freedman
In regards to feeding the Painted Buntings,they definitely like white millet seed. It is present in most wild bird seed mixes, but certain brands carry a higher concentration than others. Graceful Flight is a good one, though not the cheapest. I get it at Pets Mart. Also the Painted Bunting is a very shy bird and doesn't like other birds at the feeder. I have a tube type feeder with a metal cage around it to close out larger birds. The feeder is well hidden in a tree with just enough opening to the front of the tree to see the feeder. The bunting comes very early in the morning and just before dark. I also obtained the feeder from Pets Mart.
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