In search of Year Birds, State Birds, Life Birds, and Beer Birds

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Posted by The Troubled T's on 13:43:08 12/04/07

On Sunday, Trey and I left Miami just before noon in search of some recent sightings up north in the Merritt Is and Gainesville areas. Below is a quick list of our hits and misses:

Snow Goose (1 at Merritt Is., Life Bird)
Redhead (3 at Merritt Is., Year Bird)
Song Sparrow (La Chua Trail, Payne's Prairie, Year Bird for Toe)
Field Sparrow (same as above, State Bird for Toe, Year for both)
White-throated Sparrow (Sand Felasco State Park, Year for both)
Surf Scoter (4 near Tomoka State Park, Ormond Bch, Year for both
Horned Grebe (same as above)
Purple Sandpiper (Ponce Inlet, Life bird for both)
*All of the above are beer birds!

Ash-throated & Vermillion Flycatchers, Henslow's & Fox Sparrow at Payne's Prairie
Cinnamon Teal at Viera Wetlands
Black Scoter at Tomoka State Park
Carolina Chickadee, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Golden-crowned Kinglet at various location near Gainesville
*Despite beeing missed, these are beer birds too!

In addition to the birds, we had the pleasure of birding with some good friends up north and seeing some really nice areas, especially driving across the state. Cool.


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