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Posted by Nancy Freedman on 12:01:25 12/03/07
In Reply to: Re: RFI Dead Spot-breasted Oriole posted by Georgiana
Thanks Brian, your input is appreciated. The body was not emaciated, it was a healthy bird, I watched them feed everyday. What bothers me is that the body was in the middle of an open backyard, absolutely no feathers on the ground around it. These orioles are never down low, in fact, they would perch on top of bushes which worried me because of the recent Cooper's hawk "invasion". I have had no other dead birds with the exception of an occasional Eurasian collared dove that just falls over dead; in fact, no predation to speak of, even with the hawks. There are only about 2 feral cats but like I said, these birds were never down low. Any other ideas?
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