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Posted by Dan Irizarry on 23:37:27 11/25/07
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the late posting, but I just got the list finished. I spent Saturday birding all day with Gallus Quigley from Orlando (a Park Ranger for Lake County). We had a total of 81 species for the day! We got to Lucky Hammock at the crack of dawn looking for the Owl, but no luck. We did, however, get a Barn Owl fly over 9336 on the way to Lucky Hammock. (one lifer for me!). We stayed at Lucky Hammock and birded with John Boyd and a nice group.
Highlights from LH area:
1 Barn Owl
13 Sandhill Cranes
8 Harriers
1 Sharp-shinned Hawk
1 Savannah Sparrow
From there, we headed towards the kingbird roost on our way to Larry Manfredi's house. I picked up my lifer Scissor-tailed at the rooost, then we got Shiny Cowbirds at Larry's house.
4 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers
3 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
8 Shiny Cowbirds (Lifer for Gallus)
We stopped by Mary Krome on the way to the Cutler area, but all we had were a few Ruby-throats.
There was a lot of activity at the Cutler area. We started at dump marsh where we added Brown-headed Cowbirds to the day list. We stopped at the Toe-way searching for the Eurasian Wigeon for Gallus, but no luck.
Mottled Ducks
Green-winged Teals
Prairie Warbler
Greater Yellowlegs
There were alot of birds at Cutler Wetlands. We found the Sacred Ibis among hundreds of White Ibises. We only had Mottled, Blue- and Green-winged Teals, and Shovelers in terms of ducks. We had a Caspian Tern fly over the pond east of Cutler, and 5 Willets fly around the north side of the pond.
Sacred Ibis
Caspian Tern
Cooper's Hawk
Immature Yellow-crowned Night-heron
We stopped by Sadowski and Matheson Hammocks on the way to Baptist. Sadowski was real quiet, and the heavy rains the previous night made the service road at Matheson quite impassable.
There weren't too many parakeets in the Baptist area at around 3, and the ones we saw were to far to identify. No Bul-buls either... one day I'll find them!
We then stopped by my house where we got a Black-throated Blue Warbler, Prairie Warbler, White-winged Parakeets (a small flock), and Red-masked parakeets (100!). The red-masked are there every single afternoon in huge flocks.
We called it a day after that.
Happy Birding!
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