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Posted by David S. on 23:06:44 11/24/07
Got to see some Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and Western Kingbirds at SW 314 St. x 217 Ave. today & took a few picts. I ran down to Lucky Hammock & visited the hunters & very few birds. Hunters were working the field East of Lucky Hammock so the Sandhills (7-8) and 3-4 N. Harriers moved to the far SW field of the Hammock. Several Kestrels were working the field along with the hunters. As they would walk, I guess they stir up insects the Kestrels go for. One hunter was telling me when they shoot the doves (mostly Mourning Doves, very few White-winged Doves), they have to hurry & retrieve them or the hawks steal their kill.
I traveled down the road to the Annex and was most rewarded with a "up close & personal" view of a male Wilson's Warbler. If someone is interested, he was located past the private drive on the right-hand side of the road in the bushes right where a diamond-shaped street sign is laying along side the road.
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