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Posted by Alex Harper on 12:13:03 11/21/07
I never would have thought I wouldbe requesting an RFI for birding in my home town! But here I am, waiting to leave to the airport. I have been lurking the board, and am going to try for the Eurasian Wigeon and Townsend's Warbler. It seems that the wigeon can be found at Cutler Wetlands, and the Townsend's may no longer be around. I will try for the warbler, as I'm sure most people have seen it and have no "need" to head back and check on it.
As for my Panhandle birding experiences, well they're productive when I can find the time for them. I did not get to bird as much as I would have liked to during the fall. Winter has arrived. The migrants have moved through, and the winter residents have been around for several weeks now. I started seeing the first sapsuckers, Yellow-rumped and sparrows back in late September, even.
I have been out camping with friends at Blackwater River State Forest several times in the past month. Already, I have seen several Golden-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows, many Dark-eyed Juncos, and even a possible Pine Siskin.
On campus, robins are everywhere, Ruby-crowned Kinglets are common, Swamp and Song Sparrows are present in high numbers, and goldfinches have just arrived. Just an hour ago, I heard then watched my first ABA Winter Wren (I have seen them in the UK). It sat in the open for about a minute, almost too close to see in the binoculars. A couple Rusty/Brewer's Blackbirds flew over, as well. I need to find out where they hang out in order to make the proper identification.
My school is surrounded by wilderness on three sides. There is plenty of habitat to explore, and many animal can be found on campus, from deer, boar, and Gray Fox to Great-horned Owl, snakes, and alligators. I'm in the right place!
Hopefully I'll see sme of you guys down in Miami!
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