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Posted by Vince Lucas on 13:43:33 11/19/07
The [Ft. Myers] Caloosa Bird Club had a fieldtrip today to the Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary here in Collier County. Talking to Ed Calson, the executive director, I was informed that the waters levels at Corkscrew are at an all time low. This does not bode well for the nesting Wood Storks. Sigh. . . . Anyways, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary but we did see some nice wintering & resident birds:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Purple Gallinule (with gimpy wing)
Yellow-throated warbler
Pine Warbler
Black-and-White Warbler
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Pileated Woodpecker
Sandhill Crane (heard only)
and more of the "usual" birds one sees at this locale.
There were still a few Brazilian Skippers hanging around the Alligator Flag and a Tiger Swallowtail was also seen. An Io Moth caterpillar ambled down the railing on the boardwalk. A few Common Green Darners, one Regal Darner and Lubber Grasshoppers were around. A River Otter made a brief appearance and 3-4 baby Alligators were seen at the Lettuce Lake.
On the way home, I saw a Wild Turkey near the Twin Eagles Country Club -- a first for me this close to all of the sprawl.
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