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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 12:37:33 11/18/07
Hi everyone
Yesterday we lead a walk at Hattie Bauer an Enviromentally Endangered Land program lead by the Miami Dade County parks dept. The bird walk portion of the morning started at about 7:15 and ended at 8:15, we saw a couple of birds while scouting the park before the volunteers arrived including a beautiful Magnolia Warbler! The group of about 40 consisted of kids, their parents and volunteers for the removal of exotic plant species. The program puts together days that volunteers help restore native areas which is needed here in Miami, they teach the volunteers how to identify native from non-native species. The walk started off pretty slow probably because of the cold weather which seemed to keep birds hidden. After spotting some local birds around the perimeter of the park we headed into the hammock trail where we spotted a Barred Owl which posed nicely and gave everyone a chance to get good looks. A Chuck-will's-widow was flushed and flew away quickly giving some of the volunteers a quick look. Birds were heard more than seen, so we tried to help volunteers learn some of the birds calls. After the walk the group started their evasive plant removal portion of the day. We did not see as many birds as we wanted but with some very cool birds showing themselves we were pleased. Here is what we saw:
Eastern Phoebe
RT Hummingbird
Barred Owl
Red-shouldered Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Blue Jay
Northern Cardinal
Palm Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Killdeer (overhead)
White Ibis (overhead)
Double-crested Cormorant
White-winged Dove
European Starling
Common Grackle
It was nice to see the number of volunteers that showed up to help restore our natural areas. The historical value of this area is worth restoring with so little historic areas left in Miami. The county biologist spoke about trying to open Hattie Bauer as a park in 2008 hopefully with enough help this will happen. We have to give thanks to Toe and Tiffany for allowing us to lead the walk.
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