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Posted by David S. on 22:42:33 11/14/07
I got to the Wetlands about 8:30 this morning & saw some interesting birds, one I'm not sure of, but I have a good description. One of the many White Ibises observed had a black head, neck, and bill. The trailing edges of it's wing feathers were also black, from the beginning of the secondaries to the end of the primaries. The rest of the bird was white. Other than that, it was the same size & hung with the other Whites. Can't find it in any books.
Saw an osprey land in the water and swim like a sea gull. It also did a little bathing routine & then flew to a short post sticking above the water.
Saw the White Morph of the Great Blue Heron (Great White Heron).
I never got to see the Eurasian Wigeon, though. Maybe I didn't know where to look. I think a spotting scope would have been helpful, especially for the birds way in the back.
I also went to the Gated Wetlands(one with the locked gate) and observed male & female Green-winged Teals and a Common Moorhen.
Other birds observed were:
Snowy Egrets
Great Egrets
Great White Heron
Great Blue Herons
Little Blue Herons
Tricolored Heron
Coots, coots, and more coots
White Ibises
Black-headed Ibis
Glossy Ibises
Roseate Spoonbills
Wood Storks
Northern Shovelers
Green-winged Teals
American Aveocets
Common Moorehen
Greater and/or Lesser Yellowlegs
Pied-billed Grebes
Laughing Gulls (many)
Herring Gull? (BIG & brown)
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