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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 22:37:52 11/14/07
We birded AD Barnes this morning and found it to be a little slow but as the sun got higher in the sky the birds seemed to be warm enough to come out. We noticed that some trees have been removed between the Nature Center/Parking lot & Pine tree area including Trema! The trailer by the Pine area to the right has also been removed. We noticed as we first drove into the nature center area on the righthand side the wooden fenced off area was removed as well and alot of trees by the canal.
When we first arrived the squirrels were frolicking about, a beautiful juvenile Eastern Phoebe perched up to greet us and a Prairie Warbler gave us a brief glimpse. An awesome Black-throated Green Warbler was foraging the tops of the pine closeby as we admired. Then we starting walking the trail and quickly spotted another E. Phoebe but this one was an adult. Along the trail towards the boardwalk we spotted a few of the usual suspects including a beautiful adult Northern Parula and boldly colored male Red-bellied Woodpecker calling out. Walking towards the Nature Center we walked up on the resident Cooper's Hawk. We then headed out to check the trees along the road outside the trail before heading to the lake area. In those trees we found a beautiful female Black-and-White Warbler foraging and a Blue Jay doing it's convincing hawk call. We headed towards the lake area and bumped into Brian Rapoza that was leading the ABA group today. We mentioned the BTG Warbler by the nature center as well as the E. Phoebes and Pine Warbler and then continued on to the tropical hardwood hammock (Homeless Hammock). Between the hammock and the pool area by the benches we encountered 2 Blue-headed Vireo that were amazing! We phoned Brian to swing the ABA members by there in hopes of finding someone a lifer. Then we strolled by the lake and spoke with a ABA member from CA that was very nice named Linda exchanging info on what our common birds compared to her common birds. We also spoke about the unfortunate oil spill disaster currently going on in the San Francisco Bay. Along the lake before calling it a morning to head out to work we heard a Belted Kingfisher, saw a group of White Ibis and observed a Tricolored Heron that posed for the us, which we always enjoy seeing. As we were walking to the car we observed the Turkey Vulture soaring the skies. Here is a list of the birds seen this morning:
Blue-headed Vireo
Cooper's Hawk
Eastern Phoebe
B&W Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Pine Warbler
Palm Warbler
Northern Parula
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Cardinal
Northern Mockingbird
Blue Jay
Belted Kingfisher
White Ibis
American Coot
Common Moorhen
Muscovy Duck
Great Blue Heron
Tricolored Heron
Mourning Dove
Turkey Vulture
Monk Parakeet
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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