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Posted by Hawker on 21:55:53 11/12/07
The longsuffering Mossy and I departed our Fort Lauderdale abode a bit after 10 this a.m. for a medium range animal quest. We got to the end of our street which intersects Riverland Road, where we were fortunate enough to find a cooper s hunting low along the tree line. We took as an auspicious omen and an opportunity to zero in our binos.
We proceeded west on 595 to the Alley, stopping at every rest and recreation area along the way. We knocked off ospreys and red-shouldereds, along with some warblers and swallows, none of which I could identify with certainty.
We headed south on 29 to Jane s Scenic Drive. The drive was scenic, but unfortunately the road has not been graded in some time, and Mossy complained that parts of her were being jostled, elevated and dropped by my inattention to the potholes and over concentration on wildlife. (I saw a bear this March on the same road. Of course one must have his priorities in the correct order when he adventures.) The road was a birding bust with the exception of a savanna sparrow, which was a lifer for us.
We turned around before gate number 7 and were off to the rock pit near the entrance. We quickly picked up a float of lesser scaup and a myriad of confusing fall warblers, not one of which I could name. I also got to road rescue a Florida softshell, a charming, if homely beast.
We lunched on stone crabs at Triad Seafood in Everglades City, and then headed east to Kirby Storter, where we got a cottonmouth, yellow-bellied sapsuckers and even more confusing fall warblers that will not be added to our life list.
Loop Road was the next target. At Sweetwater Strand we got the first of two otters. Birding was not the best, as nothing unusual was spotted. The Loop Road was passable on the Collier side and in fair shape on the Monroe County leg. I know this, because the good Mossy did not complain very much.
We intersected The Trail just past sundown and we brought the old T- bird into the carport before 8 p.m.
Mossy is purchasing a jogging bra tomorrow. Her life should then be better during our next adventure, and I should be able to concentrate solely on wildlife observation.
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