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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 00:35:48 11/10/07
Hi everyone,
We went out to Lucky Hammock and the surrounding area in search of the Yellow-Headed Blackbird this morning. We arrived around 6:45 and noticed right away as we stepped out of our car that the field directly to the east of LH had been plowed yesterday after we left. We looked around and saw that the field to the west of LH had also been plowed. We started by walking down between the newly plowed field and the overgrown area to the north making our way to the back were we spotted most of the Sparrows we observed yesterday. Something was missing today, The Birds! We only saw a couple glimpse of sparrows, Phoebe and a Empid that was at LH. The Sandhill cranes were in the background with some N. Rough-winged Swallow and Banks that were still around. We noticed a noticeable difference with amount of birds since yesterday. We could not relocate the Yellow-Headed Blackbird this morning which was a bummer. And only to make things worse I left my lights on the car and killed my battery. So we called AAA to come save us. We had to phone a friend to get the address and directions to LH to give to the driver that was coming to help us. Thanks Toe! So we decided while we wait for AAA to make it out here let's bird some more. We noticed a difference in how many A. Kestrel were working the field. A northern Harrier hunted quietly in the back round with two Red-shouldered Hawks giving it a try as well. Lots of TV again. We figured that the lack of sparrows had something to do with the plowing. ARGHH...
We walked to the entrance of Aero-jet Rd. to try and flag down the driver. There we saw some Palm Warbler as well as a beautiful Black-throated Green Warbler at the small trees across the street. About forty or so Killdeer kept flying in and out of the field with plenty of Red-winged Blackbirds having fun in the field as well. The Sandhill cranes flew into the fields and foraged along with some Grackles and other birds. As we were still waiting for the truck we saw two plow trucks come into Aero-jet Rd. and start plowing the field next to the street on the east side of LH. Well maybe that is why the number of birds near LH was so low today. Well we can't win all the time. Finally the tow truck arrived to jumped our car for us and we were on the way. Another fifteen minutes and I would have not made it to work on time. We gave the driver thanks and answered his question about what do you guys do out here? We answered Bird Watching, he smiled and said you guys have a good one. So that was our adventure for this morning. Thanks again to Toe for helping us today.
Here is what we saw.
Empid (did record call and will post later for I.D. help)
Indigo Bunting
Sandhill Crane
Cattle Egret
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
A. Kestrel
Northern Harrier
RS Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk (Dark Morph)
Turkey Vulture
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Cardinal
Sparrows (stayed way far making it hard to I.D.)
Red-winged Blackbird
Black-throated Green Warbler
Palm Warbler
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Bank Swallow
Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel
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