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Posted by Paul-the-other on 21:22:50 11/04/07
Warblers moving in by the hundreds in both areas. Eastern pheobe were numerous. Palm, prairie and some pine warblers are also in the mix, Two large groups of black bellied whistling ducks did circling flights this Sunday morning providing photographers and obervers alike with great views as the groups of 25-30 breezed past at shoulder height along the walk ways. Bald eagle also very evident and SURPRISE, the bobcat is out and about at Green Cay. It put on quite a show this morning and showed no fear or concern as visitors enjoyed the scene.
One observer reported a Connecticut warbler and several saw the spotted sandpiper in the cypress area west side boardwalk. Snowy egrets, and the usual "others" were there and a growing number of pied billed grebes.
The bald eagle was also evident along the Turnpike, about 1 mile from exit 81 (Atlantic Blvd). Probably the same one at Green Cay.
Ring neck ducks are also back at the water pond of Exit 81 Turnpike.
While at Green Cay we observed large numbers of vultures moving southward at a high altitude. They were almost "in line" with no circling, just floating south on the north winds.
Red shouldered hawks, short tail hawk, and harrier also were evident at both sites. For those not familiar with Green Cay and Wakodahatchee they are one mile apart as the hawk flies and most everything you see at one you also see at the other as the birds pass freely back and forth.
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