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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 20:43:49 11/04/07
We started our morning down the Rickenbaker Causeway to Cape FL seeing a few Magnificent Frigatebird and Osprey along the way.
We enjoyed birding the Cape with Robin for a bit and saw some interesting birds including our FOTS Western Kingbird, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a Yellow-rumped Warbler. We observed several raptor/falcon species: Short-tailed Hawk (beautiful dark morph), Cooper's Hawk, Broad-winged Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Northern Harrier and an American Kestrel.
We then headed out to meet Dan & Leslie at the Cutler Wetlands/Lennar Flow-way in hopes to spot the Eurasian Wigeon with his scope. Not only did we all get to see the Eurasian Wigeon again but it was hanging out a lot closer to us than last Wednesday out in the open with a clear shot. Awesome rarity! As we enjoyed the Eurasian Wigeon Troy & Roxanne showed up and were also able to spot the Wigeon in the scope. There were many other species to observe on this beautiful breezy sunny day including an adult Bald Eagle. We added another lifer the Northern Pintail that Roxanne spotted flying in. At one point we all laughed at the sight of the Bald Eagle and Belted Kingfisher sharing close quarters through the scope. We had some Harriers including a beautiful adult male soaring above the wetland. Seven Roseate Spoonbills flew past us above in a large flock of White Ibis, the Spoonbills made a u-turn back towards the wetland as the Ibis continued flying East. Hundreds of Turkey Vulture soared the vortexes above with a dash of some Black Vultures in the mix.
Below is a list of the birds we saw today:
Rickenbacker Causeway
Brown Pelican
Double-crested Cormorant
Turkey Vulture
Magnificent Frigatebird
Laughing Gull
Herring Gull
White Ibis
Boat-tailed Grackle
Cape FL
Short-tailed Hawk (dark morph)
Broad-winged Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Northern Harrier
Cooper's Hawk
American Kestrel
Western Kingbird
Eastern Phoebe
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Cardinal
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
American Redstart
Turkey Vulture
Mourning Dove
Common Ground-Dove
Laughing Gull
Double-crested Cormorant
Old Cutler Road
American Kestrel
Cooper's Hawk (attempting to catch a meal unsuccessfully)
Red-Shouldered Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Cutler Wetlands
Northern Harrier
American Kestrel
Turkey Vulture
Wood Stork
White Ibis
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron
American Coot
American Wigeon
Northern Shoveler
Laughing Gull
Monk Parakeet
Herring Gull
Lennar Flow-way
Northern Pintail (LIFER!)
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
American Coot
Green-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal
Mottled Duck
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Great Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron
Tri-colored Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
White Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Roseate Spoonbill
American Bittern
Belted Kingfisher
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Red-shouldered Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
We really enjoyed the beautiful breezy & sunny day birding with our friends. Thanks to Michelle, Robin, Dan, Leslie, Troy and Roxanne for their company. Good birding to all.
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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