Crandon, Cutler Wetlands & Lennar Flow-way area

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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 15:24:18 11/02/07

Yesterday we headed out to Crandon following Toe's advice to hopeful add a lifer the Dunlin. We are so glad that we did because we saw a group of Dunlin! Thanks Toe. We also were able to see a few Lesser black-backed Gull for the second time. Although we were being sandblasted by the wind and sand it was worth the trip out because a variety of shorebird were hanging out in the water puddles along the sand from the previous high tide. There were about a hundred Black-bellied Plover and 50 or so Royal Terns mixed in with a variety of Plovers, Dowitchers, a single Sandwich Tern and one Ruddy Turnstone. We walked the crandon old zoo area and then headed out to Cutler Wetlands and the Lennar Flow-way in hopes to spot the Eurasian Wigeon again. Unfortunately we did not spot the Eurasian Wigeon or any American Wigeon that had been there yesterday, then again we don't have a scope yet so our long distance view was limited. We were treated to a beautiful adult Bald Eagle that soared in from the Dump landed in the Lennar Flow-way and chilled for about a half hour in the distance. Then the Bald Eagle flew back towards the Dump. We checked out the Cutler Wetlands on our way home as the sun was setting and added another lifer the Lesser Scaup. It was a very windy but absoutely beautiful day with two more lifers. Listed below is what we saw yesterday:

Crandon Beach
Lesser black-backed Gull
Herring Gull
Royal Tern
Sandwich Tern
Semipalmated Plover
Piping Plover
Black-bellied Plover
Wilson's Plover
Long-billed Dowitcher
Ruddy Turnstone
Double-crested Cormorant

Crandon Park Gardens (old zoo)
Great Egret
Tri-colored Heron
Belted Kingfisher
White Ibis
American Coot
Common Moorhen
Mute Swan
Sandhill Crane
Mottled Duck
Canada Goose
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Palm Warbler
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Magnificent Frigatebird

Cutler Wetlands & Lennar Flow-way
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Red-shouldered Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Great Blue Heron
Tri-colored Heron
Little Blue Heron (both morphs)
Roseate Spoonbill
Wood Stork
White Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Brown Pelican
Double-crested Cormorant
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Black-bellied Plover
American Avocet
Lesser Scaup
Northern Shoveler
Fish Crow
Red-winged Blackbird
Boat-tailed Grackle

Well heading off to work now so good birding to all.
Please post if anyone finds the Wigeon again.

Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel

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