Re: Fort Desoto advice needed

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Posted by Ron Smith on 13:08:59 11/01/07

In Reply to: Re: Fort Desoto advice needed posted by Toe

Anything at any time is the motto at Fort DeSoto CP. Currently, a few migrants are trickling through; Bay-breasted, Tennessee's, American Redstarts, and a Wilson's was in the East Beach Woods this past week. This is a great time to look for Franklin's Gulls, as they are usually observed in late October through November. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and Western Kingbirds are expected the first week of November, as well.

Shorebirds are numerous off of North Beach and Redheads, Ring-necked Ducks, and who knows what might appear, are to be looked for in the Tierra Verde ponds.

Go to the Park's HDQTR Building (where the big American flag is waving) at the "T" intersection of the park, and get a copy of the birdfinding guide to help you navigate around the area. It's free. The checklist, sorry to say, was messed up when it was last revised, but the directions to the places to see birds is on target.

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