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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 13:51:15 10/29/07
Hi everyone, this morning I dropped off Mariel at work and headed to end of the lot checking out my usual morning birding spot. Before I could even get out of my car I saw lots of movement in the trees. As I got out of my car I noticed a beautiful Magnolia Warbler fly down and check me out from a limb 10 feet above me. I had to call Mariel out of her job to come see this awesome bird. This is my first MAWA at this location in the last three years that I have been birding the trees at the end of the parking lot. I did get some recording of the MAWA while it foraged. Man is this bird fast! The warblers were all battling over one tree with an occasional Mocker and Blue Jays. The Red-winged Blackbirds were in full force along with some Grackles. The Palm Warblers were not far behind the with their familiar chirping. Here is what I saw... it was birdie today than the past days.
Magnolia Warbler
American Redstart
Black-throated Blue
Common Yellowthroat
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue Jay
European Starling
Boat-tailed Grackle
Red-winged Blackbird
Green Heron
I might have missed a couple others but I am in a hurry to get to work.
Nature is Awesome
Angel& Mariel
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