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Posted by Jeff Weber on 07:33:42 10/28/07
Miguel Padura and I birded Kendall Indian Hammocks Park for an hour or so yesterday and found that warbler diversity was down somewhat, but numbers were way up - especially if you count the Palms. We had male and female Black -throated Greens, Magnolia, Prairie, Palm, Black-throated Blue and Ovenbird. Also seen were Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-throated Vireo and Blue-headed Vireo.
We closely watched some interesting feeding behavior by a male Black-throated Blue Warbler. It would carefully pluck a beautyberry, work it until all the juice was out, and then discard the husk. We saw it consume about five berries in a row this way, ignoring the fact that we were almost too close for binocular views.
I don't think I have ever seen so many Palm Warblers in one place; there were often 20 or 30 in view at once. Many of these appeared exhausted, though they were actively foraging on the ground, so we speculate they may have just arrived on Friday night.
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