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Posted by Larry Manfredi on 11:14:46 10/17/07
Philip was out of School yesterday at 11:45, we went to lunch and then to Indian Hammocks park to look for the Townsend's Warbler. There were tons of Palm Warblers, we also had Black-and-white, Prairie, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue as well as a few others. We found the Townsend's Warbler next to the road in a non-fruiting Strangler Fig and some Live Oaks. There is a fruiting Strangler Fig a little more west of this tree that had lots of birds feeding in it. We were able to get great looks from about 15 feet away. My son saw the bird well even without binoculars!
He then was able to get a light morph Short-tailed Hawk in his binoculars for a lifer look, he was very happy!
I was able to take many good photos of a very active bird with one attached.
Larry Manfredi
Homestead, FL.
E-mail: birderlm@bellsouth.net
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