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Posted by Robin and Liz on 16:14:52 10/15/07
Stranger than fiction: This morning a large female Cooper's Hawk dropped its breakfast -- a Burrowing Owl. We identified the owl as the Florida race. Literature on Burrowing Owl migration is hard to find and most accounts indicate that there is little known on migration routes and wintering areas. Florida birds are predominately nonmigratory but Burrowing Owls have recently been reported in Bear Cut Preserve (2 miles north of Cape Florida) and near Port of Miami. They are infrequent in Cape Florida and usually seen in fall.
There are still signs of migration in the park; lots of accipiters, Yellow-billed Cuckoos, FOS Rose-breasted Grosbeak and an assortment of warblers, including Magnolia, Cape May Northern Waterthrush and others.
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