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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 11:07:41 10/15/07
In Reply to: Painted Buntings in South Florida posted by Robin Diaz
I recall talking to Roger Hammer one morning and discussing the decrease in Painted Bunting. Roger surprised me when he told me that the PABU has been trapped in small wooden cages lured by seed in Cuba for many years. He also told me that he has found the same traps inside Castellow Hammock park and has had to removed them. It is a shame that the PABU has to worry about being trapped for human enjoyment. I would say that the reason the PABU is so popular in the pet trade is the same reason that birders are always happy to see a PABU. The bird it an awesome display of coloration in nature, here in FL I can't think of any bird as colorful as the PABU.
We could do our part by keeping our eyes open when birding for any weird activity or any traps set around the normal PABU hangout spots.
Yesterday while at Barnes we were startled by a man who came out running from the vegetation behind the Fig tree by the fence at the end of the boardwalk. He dashed out of the green running with his hands cupped together as if he was trying to scoop a bird of the ground. We saw a couple of warblers that were low to the ground fly out in front of the man, when he realized that we were standing in front of him he quickly jumped back into the thick green a tried to disappear. The man stayed in the area for about another ten minutes. Later while on the way out of the Nature Center we encountered him again when he noticed that we were the same two and tried to hide himself again. Just weird but we can't be certain what he was doing there we know he was up to no good. The is an officer that regularly patrols the park does check out the Pineland and parking area of the Nature Center, he stopped the other day to ask us about some birds he has seen while he patrols the park. We told him about some weird activity we have seen in the park recently.
Everyone keep you eyes and ears alert while birding.
Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel
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