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Posted by Robin, Liz & Nancy on 18:42:44 10/12/07
Not as birdy as Kendall Indian Hammocks [Great bird, Brian!], Cape Florida again had a good variety of migrants. Birds actually kept coming in throughout late morning and early afternoon. In addition to typical Caribbean "bulk" migrants: Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Bay-breasted, Northern Waterthrush, Tennessee, and Black-throated Green Warbler (good bird for CF); Swainson's and Wood Thrush; Scarlet Tanager; Indigo and Painted Bunting. Catbirds have arrived and lots of accipiters kept birds stirred up. I may be considered wacky, but I think I heard an American Goldfinch.
Bryant did a thorough survey of the park and as usual, found great birds. I'll let him post if his computer decides to behave.
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