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Posted by Paul-the-other on 22:26:39 10/11/07
After visiting Palnt Creations in Homestead I went down to the area of Lucky Hammock - Anhinga trail. Kestrels were spaced out on the wires along the PArk entrance road. Over 20 in total. The fields are plowed, being plowed, or already planted.
At Anhinga there were many warblers in the parking lot area: black & white, palm, many gnatcatchers. Vultures were scarce. Red-shouldered hawks were along Turnpike from Exit 3 to Homestead/Florida City. Anhinga itself was extremely quiet. No waders at all, and only two anhingas. I didn't have time to do Gumbo Limbo trail or Research Road.
Best news of all is that the oak grove that was accidently burned-on-purpose at the entrance raod to Anhinga is now coming back with new growth. A classic case of a controlled burn gone wild.
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