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Posted by john on 16:25:20 10/11/07
In Reply to: Re: Bird presence increasing: North Broward PArkland posted by Bill Uscher
Hoechoka Hammock-new name
Posted by Paul on March 30, 2003 at 13:53:43:
The church of Mary Help of Christians (24 acres) at Sawgrass and University (NE corner) has recently been replatted and the site plan was named Hoechoka Hammock. It used to be something dull like Pine Tree estates Section3, or something like that. In the middle of that church/school/pre-school site is a hammock under construction. Some 8 years now the parishioners have been planting, and culling out Brazillian pepper. The Hammock will henceforth be referred to as Hoechoka Hammock so that all of our friends in the Audubon, Sierra, Save-What's-Left and othe environmentally active groups can use that name. This is the first ever project where the Archdiocese of South Florida has become proactive in this area, kept databases, and photographs of progress. The National Conference of Catholic Bishops funded a small grant to start this effort.
For a look see at this new nature site that is totally consistent with worship and education requirements see mhocrc.org. Preschool is in place and kindergarten and first grade are operational. Grade school will soon follow in the large flat field in the northwest corner. The hammock, and the adjacent oak hammock will be maintained for education, recreation, and quietude.
We hope to have a "Binoc 'N Bagel" party soon. Meantime, stop in. Watch for hummers, catbirds, dove, hawks, osprey in the hammock area. See the cormorants and anhingas come to roose at sunset at the SE corner. Stroll the grounds and see the only Catholic Church in South Florida with 95% native vegetation. Please ignore the dying Royal Palms at the entrance....they weren't set right to begin with and the whole entrance is about to be reconstructed.
Enter, turn left at the mailbox. Park on the grass island by the white sand walkroad. And walk into the picnic area. Welcome to hoechoka Hammock!
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