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Posted by Rafael Galvez on 12:47:02 10/11/07
Lucky Hammock and Annex was birdie this morning. Although greater numbers seemed to be there yesterday, some new species were present today.
A female-type Canada Warbler was feeding on a pair of fig trees overgrown with Muscadine Grape midway down the dirt road east of Lucky hammock. It was there along with other warblers for a while starting 7:45 am. Other warblers sighted:
N. Parula
Chestnut-sided (annex)
Magnolia (1 adult non-breeding calling plenty, 1 drab first-winter, both at annex)
Cape May (annex)
B-t Blue
Worm-eating (annex)
American Redstart
N. Waterthrush
C. Yellowthroat
Y-breasted Chat
Other notables included: Painted and Indigo Buntings, Blue Grosbeak, Blue-headed Vireo, Rough-winged and (a 3-pack of)Cliff Swallows.
The mid-morning raptor flight over the annex was slightly lesser than yesterday's, with more Harriers coming through today, few Broad-wingeds, plenty of Sharpies, and a good dose of both light and dark Short-tailed Hawks. At Larry's Short-tailed spot, the hawks were predictably perched on trees. At one point, a light and a dark bird were perched on the same tree, close to the west side of the road; great lighting.
I was standing 10 yards from a clump of Virginia creeper watching some warblers, when a hawk crashed explosively into the vegetation. The light Short-tailed raised its head from within the brush... lingered a while, and rose out in flight with a disheveled adult male Black-throated Blue Warbler drooping from its talons. The bird flew up a nearby tree to eat!
Good Birding to all...
Rafael Galvez
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