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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 11:28:33 10/10/07
This morning after dropping off Mariel at work I went down to the end of the parking lot like I do every day M-F to bird the edges of the lake where there is a couple of Gumbo Limbo trees, and other shrubs. I need to take a tree, shrub, and flower identification guide out with me soon to find out what is around this location I survey every morning. Well anyways this morning I got out of my car and heard lots of chirping in the trees and the lower portions of the shrubs near the water. I first checked the trees and found a couple of warblers and gnatcatcher, then I turned my attention to a beautiful singing Common Yellowthroat male, as I observed the yellowthroat a female came in and landed on the same limb of the natural bamboo that borders the lake (arr. where was my camera). Noticing some movement coming from the end of the shrubs I put the bino on a pair of Ovenbird working together side by side, hanging out with them was a single whitish adult Northern Waterthrush the dense streaks separated this bird from a Louisiana. It was fun to see all three birds pumping their tails up and down together. I observed a larger number of birds today I guess David's posting about the migration last night is right. Usually I see the usual suspects and in smaller numbers.
Today I observed...
1 Northern Waterthrush (FOTS this location)
2 Ovenbird
3 Common Yellowthroat (2 female 1 male)
4 American Redstart (all female)
4 Black-throated Blue (2 male 2 female) Heard others
1 Palm Warbler (FOTS this location)
3 BG Gnatcatcher (1 enjoying a moth about the size of it's head)
3 Northern Mockingbird
4 Blue Jay
6 Mourning Dove
3 Fish Crow
1 Green Heron
6 Boat-tailed Grackle
There was more birds chirping and foraging but I had to leave. I spent about 20-25 minutes checking out the location before heading out to work myself.
Good luck to any Birders out there today.
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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