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Posted by Toe on 14:36:06 10/08/07
Trey and I took advantage of the holiday (and my wife's OK) to do some scouting. We began at Lucky Hammock/Annex, then went to Mahogany Hammock, Pahayokee, and finished on Research Road. There were very few migrants around, but we managed to dredge up 12 warbler species, with the best being a male Nashville at the Annex. Other warblers were Parula, Prairie, Palm, Pine, Chestnut-sided, Black-and-white, Black-throated Blue, Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, N. Waterthrush, Yellow-breasted Chat. Most warblers were seen at Lucky/the Annex.
At Mahogany Hammock we added Black-and-white and saw a Barred Owl and a Baltimore Oriole. On the way to Mahogany we had an American Bittern along the road. At Pahayokee we watched an adult Snail Kite pick up a snail and perch to feed.
Research Rd. had a flock of Pine Warblers, Blue Birds, and Brown-headed Nuthatches, and a Merlin trying to feed on them.
Raptor numbers seem to have decreased after last week's invasion, so we only managed Snail Kite, RS Hawk, N. Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, and Kestrel.
Birding was slow by migration standards, but we had enough birds to make it worthwhile, and were done by 12:00. Hopefully the cold front later this week will have another warbler push in front of it. We'll be ready for them.
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