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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 00:35:55 10/05/07
We headed out to Cape FL in the late afternoon to bird for a little while. On our way we stopped on the beaches on the right side before the Seaquarium. We observed a mixture of shorebirds working the beach for dinner. There were Ruddy Turnstones, SemiPalmated Plovers and Sanderlings with a dash of a few Laughing Gulls.
For about 20 minutes we were observing the group foraging when a Belted Kingfisher came out of left field and plunged into the water coming up with a fish nestled tightly in her beak only to be harrassed by Laughing Gulls trying to swipe her catch.
We observed the following before heading to the park:
30+ Laughing Gull (on the ground and flying about)
1 Lesser Blacked-Backed Gull
1 Belted Kingfisher (female)
22 Sanderlings
17 Ruddy Turnstone
2 Semipalmated Plover
5 Double-crested Cormorant
2 Tri-colored Heron
2 Osprey
6 Brown Pelican
2 Black Vulture
2 Rock Dove
Then we were off to Bill Baggs Cape FL...
Although we admit it was not as active around the same time a week prior we did enjoy observing a few birds that graced us with their presence. We noticed a few Merlins still present in the park as well as some Kestrels. In addition we also saw a perched Peregrine Falcon. The Falcon had just treated us with a amazing aerial display. The Peregrine flew from it's perch about 150 feet away increasing altitude then dive bombed a bird in the palm tree but it missed. It was AWESOME! With that making the highlight of our day we headed home.
Here is a list of a few other birds we saw at the Cape:
1 Peregrine Falcon
4 Merlin
2 American Kestrel
1 Red-Shouldered Hawk
1 Belted Kingfisher (heard)
3 Magnificient Frigatebird
2 Common Yellowthroat (2 seen but heard several more)
1 Ovenbird
1 Palm Warbler
4 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (4 seen others heard)
2 Cardinal (2 seen many more heard)
3 Mourning Dove
2 Common Ground Dove
2 N. Mockingbird
2 Brown Pelican
We probably would have seen alot more if it wasn't so late in the day and if we would have had more time. Overall it was a great afternoon outdoors and off work so we were happy.
We are really looking forward to our first time on the Tigertail/Corkscrew TAS trip this Saturday. Good birding to all.
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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