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Posted by jnrosenthal on 23:56:41 10/03/07
I went to Barnes this evening, hoping to photograph the allegedly visiting male painted bunting-after having failed miserably in seeing or photographing the cerulean warbler(or rufous hummer, for that matter) at Matheson(see Tricia's report). No luck...The Cooper's hawks were hunting(on the ground, no less) near the parking lot, but avoided any decent camera exposure, the duck was squawking, and there were redstarts and various blackthroated blues and some whizzing hummers to practice on--but little else to photograph or report on near the feeders at the parking lot. Indeed the squirrels were in command. A walk in to the boardwalk revealed even less of an interesting avian nature, until I spied the glowing red of the eclectus parrot--still hanging around 10 days after the TAS walk, evidently---which reminded me of the blazing reds of the quetzals, trogons and cocks of the rock we saw in Ecuador.Additionally I was astonished to find some lovely liguus snails creeping up a tree at eye level in the parking lot--altho theyre protected, I'm surprised any can still be found in our urban environs...
Anyway--thus inspired, I have begun to load my Ecuador pictures on flickr, so that any of you who wish to see them, without my incurring the wrath of the moderator here, can simply go to
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelnrosenthal/ and have a look. comments or questions appreciated-more will appear as they're edited.Double click the images to fully enlarge and see better detail.
Meanwhile, here's the Eclectus in full evening splendor(helped with the flash)...
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