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Posted by Robin Diaz on 13:08:30 09/30/07
This morning (9/30) a Blackpoll Warbler was next to the paved bike path, just north of the restrooms. There was no confusion with Bay-breasted, as this bird has typical BLPW basic plumage and even retains very light legs. Uncommon but regular fall migrants in Cape Florida, there should be more this week with the strong NE winds.
The park was quiet, with few migrant passerines. Like the past 2 days, there were plenty of raptors, both patrolling the park and soaring. Seen during a short observation period: Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned (5) and Cooper's (2) Hawk, American Kestrel (3), Merlin (2) and Peregrine Falcon (3).
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