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Posted by Brian Rapoza on 21:04:07 09/29/07
A total of 26,230 individuals of 110 species were counted in Monroe County during the North American Migration Count on September 15. Thanks go out to the following birders who participated in the count: John Boyd, Nancy Freedman, Rafael Galvez, Mark Whiteside and Juan Valadez.
Following are totals for each species:
Pied-billed Grebe-2
American White Pelican-1
Brown Pelican-174
Double-crested Cormorant-917
Magnificent Frigatebird-10
Great Blue Heron-29
Wurdemann's form-3
Great White Heron-113
Great Egret-400
Snowy Egret-262
Little Blue Heron-156
Tricolored Heron-89
Reddish Egret-15
White form-5
Cattle Egret-16
Green Heron-8
Black-crowned Night-Heron-3
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron-15
White Ibis-2,623
Roseate Spoonbill-335
Wood Stork-4
Greater Flamingo-11
Blue-winged Teal-153
Northern Shoveler-5
Black Vulture-6
Turkey Vulture-59
Bald Eagle-2
Northern Harrier-2
Red-shouldered Hawk-7
Clapper Rail-21
Common Moorhen-4
Black-bellied Plover-349
Wilson's Plover-114
Semipalmated Plover-403
Black-necked Stilt-29
American Avocet-15
Greater Yellowlegs-5
Lesser Yellowlegs-1
Spotted Sandpiper-60
Marbled Godwit-67
Ruddy Turnstone-224
Red Knot-291
Semipalmated Sandpiper-758
Western Sandpiper-1,886
Least Sandpiper-10,070
Short-billed Dowitcher-2179
Laughing Gull-345
Herring Gull-1
Caspian Tern-4
Royal Tern-230
Sandwich Tern-22
Forster's Tern-7
Least Tern-12
Black Skimmer-68
Rock Pigeon-160
White-crowned Pigeon-209
Eurasian Collared-Dove-274
White-winged Dove-2
Mourning Dove-199
Common Ground-Dove-13
Common Nighthawk-5
Belted Kingfisher-33
Red-bellied Woodpecker-45
Eastern Phoebe-12
Great Crested Flycatcher-8
Eastern Kingbird-3
Gray Kingbird-41
Tree Swallow-25
Northern Rough-winged Swallow-6
Cliff Swallow-3
Cave Swallow-2
Barn Swallow-122
Blue Jay-5
American Crow-9
Fish Crow-6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-87
Northern Mockingbird-85
Brown Thrasher-1
Loggerhead Shrike-1
European Starling-38
Common Myna-3
White-eyed Vireo-15
Red-eyed Vireo-6
Black-whiskered Vireo-2
Northern Parula-32
Yellow Warbler-22
Black-throated Blue Warbler-1
Yellow-throated Warbler-7
Prairie Warbler-77
Palm Warbler-1
Black-and-white Warbler-2
American Redstart-8
Prothonotary Warbler-4
Northern Waterthrush-25
Louisiana Waterthrush-2
Kentucky Warbler-1
Common Yellowthroat-11
Hooded Warbler-1
Northern Cardinal-59
Red-winged Blackbird-190
Common Grackle-61
Baltimore Oriole-1
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