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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 22:14:07 09/27/07
We met up with Dan at Bill Baggs Cape FL this afternoon to bird from about 4:45pm to 7:15pm. We only had time to bird a portion of the park so we decided to head towards the youth camp area that neither of us have ever birded before. Good thing we did because there we found lots of bird activity everywhere including a Wood Pewee demonstrating its fly catching skills.
As Angel & Dan were taking pictures of a female American Redstart (pic above) I saw movement in the trees directly behind where we were standing in front of and low and behold a beautiful Yellow-billed Cuckoo! I quickly showed Angel & Dan before it dropped down out of sight. Exciting find for us only our second time ever spotting one and also a year bird!
As we were were on our way to the salt water marsh trail we observed a beautiful Yellow-throated Warbler and at one point an Ovenbird flew directly in front of me. We spotted a few Marsh Rabbits along the trail.
A group of Merlins treated us to an awesome display of speed and accuracy. One of the Merlin came within 10-15 feet away from us flying fast and low. Closest we have seen a Merlin, it was a great moment. At one point there were 5 perched in one tree and 2 others soaring above. The most we have ever seen at one time! We even observed a Merlin perched tearing apart its meal. It was awesome! Today was a 10 warbler day in only 2 1/2 hours.
Thanks again to Dan for joining us. Good birding to all.
Here is a list below:
7 Merlin
4 American Kestrel
2 Osprey
1 Eastern Wood Pewee
1 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
11 American Redstart (4 male & 7 female)
9 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
7 Cape May Warbler
2 Prairie Warbler
12 Palm Warbler (bobbing about)
2 Northern Parula
1 Ovenbird
8 Black-throated Blue Warbler (all male)
1 Yellow-throated Warbler
3 Black-and-White Warbler
1 Red-eyed Vireo
10 N. Mockingbird
2 Eastern Kingbird
2 Magnificent Frigatebird (soaring overhead)
10 Cardinal (saw 2 and heard many others calling along the way)
1 Great Blue Heron
1 Brown Pelican
We really enjoyed our afternoon despite the millions of gnats.
Looking forward to this Sunday TAS walk with Toe.
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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