American Golden-Plover: Crandon Beach

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Posted by Robin Diaz on 19:57:55 09/26/07

When the rain let up at 5:30 PM I was able to sort through the 200+ Black-bellied Plovers on Crandon Beach. An American Golden-Plover was easy to pick out with its brownish color, small, slim bill, long wings and erect posture. It fluttered a bit and showed the dark rump. Most of the shorebirds were on the southernmost flats.

Later, a 20-minute power birding stop in Cape Florida produced a good variety. From a small spot in the Youth Camp Area, I quickly picked up Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Scarlet and Summer Tanager, Baltimore Oriole and 11 species of warblers, including Tennessee and Prothonotary. The biggest surprise was Gray-cheeked Thrush. This date beats my earliest (in Cape Florida) by 2 days; 9/28/01 and 9/28/06.

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