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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 21:03:19 09/25/07
We birded AD Barnes from 6:05pm to 7:15pm.
We found the species most numerous were definately the American Redstarts and Black-throated Blue Warblers. Both female and male were observed although males were more abundant. Also found a few Ovenbirds, Black-and-White Warblers, one female Common Yellowthroat and the usual resident birds such as the Cooper s Hawk, Cardinals, Common Moorhen, Mockingbirds, Blue Jays and one Green Heron by the lake. We did notice more Blue Jays than we usually see here. At about 7:15pm as we were about to leave we also saw one Common Nighthawk and heard Killdeer. In about an hour we sighted about 40 individual birds or more. We probably would have been able to spot more birds but the fading light and overcast made it a bit of a challenge. Despite the cloudy weather the sunset was beautiful with various shades of orange.
Here is a list of what we saw:
13 American Redstart (definately more males)
9 Black-throated Blue Warbler (more females than males)
2 Black-and-White Warbler
1 Common Yellowthroat (female)
2 Ovenbird
1 Cooper's Hawk
8 Cardinal
14 Blue Jay
4 Mockingbird
4 Common Moorhen
1 Green Heron
12 Muscovy Duck
1 Common Nighthawk
2 Rooster
1 Killdeer (heard)
Hopefully the weather will improve by Thursday and the winds will bring more migration for the TAS walk on Sunday.
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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