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Posted by tricia on 19:45:46 09/25/07
I walked the service road and trail this morning-most of the time in light rain.
There were lots of puddles, pools and damp areas, seemingly each one in the custody of an ovenbird and a louisiana waterthrush.
I didn't keep a count of them but there must have been 30 -40 of each. Everywhere I walked , there they were.
also seen were :
Northern Parula
Black throated Blue
Cape May
Black and White >6
Many Redstarts,yellowstarts and one I'll call TuttiFrutti start as it had yellowish wings and a bright spot of orange-pink on the breast.
BlueGray Gnatcatchers
2 hummingbirds that were a chattering blur as they flew past
mynahs in the background
a wet pileated woodpecker flyover
several redbellied woodpeckers
an extremely bedraggled redshouder hawk being attacked by over a dozen blue jays.
I also saw a mystery bird- warbler type , small stocky body, tiny bill,light white-maybe grayish belly and a greenish-blueish wing and upper back area.
there was a small darkish cap across the top of the head and light head otherwise. As usual, I've got no clue what it was.
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